Booking Analysis

Booking data at your fingertips!
Integrate with property Bookings and receive notifications the moment something changes. A URL used to retrieve the new or updated Booking data.

Shop and Book

Get rid of RFPs once and for all!
Your customers can book events and catering packages from your website, and it is added directly into your Sales and Catering system.

Room Block

Process Booking notifications like a pro!
You can actively or passively subscribe to Booking notifications allowing you as much control as you need over the process.


Display event info anywhere you need it!
Not just for reader boards. Display event information on mobile devices or anywhere else you need it with ease.

Guestroom Block

This is a suite of APIs that allows partner systems and applications to perform various updates on Guestroom Block and pattern in Amadeus Sales & Event Management application.

Data File Exchange

A group of APIs used for retrieving data files containing Delphi.FDC content.

Meeting and Event Supply Distribution

A suite of APIs used for searching RFPs and their associated Messages, Attachments, Proposals, and Notifications. These APIs also provide the ability to update RFP Business Data and to Turndown an RFP.

Rfp Demand

Managing Events was never easier!
Send and retrieve Meetings, Proposals, Notifications, RFP Messages, update RFP Status, and retrieve Business Data.

Sales-Event Integration

Complete control of your Guest data!
Retrieve Booking information and update GuestroomBlocks, GuestroomNight patterns, and Availability in the Amadeus Sales & Catering system.

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Interested in more?

If you are looking for more information, or require access to product or API documentation, please contact us today!

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